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Wednesday's prizes...

...on a Thursday.

Today there are 2 great prizes up for grabs, as my literary fest celebrating the release of Boundary Waters Search and Rescue: Beyond Belief continues (I know is a day late, but never fear, tomorrow's drawings will go off on schedule.

The first prize to be given away later today is the Jane Eyre Ribbon Book scarf by Storiarts. This is a great accessory scarf in cream and black with an excerpt from that wonderful literary classic Jane Eyre printed on the body of the scarf. Here is the URL of the product page:

The second prize to be given away is a 1-year magazine subscription (print) to the wonderful Lake Superior magazine. Here is the URL giving a bit more information about this fun and informative magazine:

The drawing will be held at approximately 8 p.m. CDT. You are automatically entered when you subscribe to this website, which you can do on the HOME page (see above).

Thank you for your your encouragement, for purchasing Boundary Waters Search and Rescue: Beyond Belief, and for your willingness to trust me with your email address. (See previous posts for info about my newsletters and my solemn promise not to sell or otherwise abuse your information)

I will post later to announce the first names of the winners (I will also be in touch with your personally). I should say that you can only win once in this celebration, but that's only for the prizes, good books pay out over and over and over again.

All my best, too the best out there,


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